1Ananda Eka Ramadhan, 2Agus Kristiyanto, 3Slamet Riyadi
1,2,3Faculty of Sports, Universitas Sebelas Maret
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i12-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to find out the process of the Central Java Province KONI organizational resource management strategy in the preparation of PON XXI/2024 Aceh-North Sumatra. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Qualitative researchers want to describe or provide a phenomenon as it is or describe the symbol or sign they are researching according to the real thing and in its context. This research was carried out in March 2024. Research occlusion is a place where research is carried out or recognized, which is located in Jatidiri Sports Complex in Karangrejo, Gajahmungkur, Semarang City. KONI Central Java Province has developed a resource management strategy to improve achievements in PON XXI/2024 Aceh-North Sumatra. This strategy includes four main elements: human resources, budget, facilities and infrastructure, and technology. Human resources, both administrators, staff, and altets, are focused on improving competencies through continuous training. Budget management is acknowledged in a transparent and effective manner to ensure full support for operational and coaching needs. Facilities and infrastructure, including training facilities, are prepared to meet standards to support athletes' performance. In addition, the use of technology is improved for monitoring, evaluation, and data analysis which can accelerate the process of improving performance. With this strategy, Central Java is expected to achieve maximum results in PON XXI/2024.
KEYWORDS:Resource strategy, Human resources, Sports achievement
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