Zubayda Khamidovna Yuldosheva
Lecturer, Department of Civil Society Termez State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i6-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
This article discusses the Value of Time in the Creation of Historians. We will try to analyze this category on the example of Mu’izz ul-Ansab. The chronological data in the source are 146, of which 88 belong to the Genghis and 58 to the Timurid periods. We will analyze the chronological data according to the first stage of YOMIXT. The first of the numbers represents a data index belonging to the Genghis and the second to the Timurids.
KEYWORDS:Value of time, creation of historians, category, Mu’izz ul-Ansab, chronological data, Genghis, Timurid periods, index, Turkic, Chinese, Sogdian, Mongol, Arabic, Persian.
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