• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840


Arrangements of Authorities Pd. Medan City Market In The Making of Cooperation Contracts And Management of The Medan Separate Market
1Novi July Rosani Zulkarnain, 2Ria Sintha Devi
Universitas Darma Agung
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v4-i6-22

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Agreement/contract for place of business in the context of restoration/rejuvenation of the Medan Municipal Petisah Market project which was made and signed by the Medan Municipal Government with PT. Gunung Karya Kencana Sentosa (PT.GKKS) on July 24, 1993 with agreement/contract number 511.2/13155 is a form of build operate transfer (BOT). The problem in this research is related to the contract arrangement for the place of business in the context of the development and management of the Petisah Market, how is the authority of PD.Pasar Kota Medan in making cooperation contracts and problems and their solutions in the development and management cooperation of the Petisah Market. This research method uses a qualitative method that is juridical normative. Based on the formulation of the problem, this research also conducts interviews and direct observations of the results of development carried out by PT. GKKS as well as the management of Medan Petisah Market which is divided into management areas based on the contract, namely the first floor for PT. GKKS and the second floor for the third floor for PD. Pasar Kota Medan. Making every contract in the PD environment. Medan City Market before and after regional autonomy is the same. PD. Medan City Market is authorized and has the right to make a cooperation contract with any party as long as it must be approved by the Medan City PD.Pasar Supervisory Board. Therefore, the Petisah Market contract is null and void because the Medan City Government represented by the Medan Mayor is not authorized to be a party to the cooperation contract because the Petisah Market which is the object of the contract/agreement is not owned by the Medan City Government since the change in the Medan City Market Service institution. become a PD. Medan City Market.


Agreement, Development, Management


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