• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

The Mind Map at the Service of Learning
1Mohammed Sbaa,2Latifa Faouzi ,3Meryem Eljahechi,4Fatima Lghdaich
1LaREAMI research laboratory in Crmef Rabat-Sale-Kenitra, Morocco & Crmef Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Morocco.
2Research Team Teaching and Training Sciences and Techniques Research Team & Crmef Casablanca-Settat, Morocco.
3Research Team Innovation in education and training, Research Team & Crmef Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Morocco.
4The E.D.P, A, G.S, research laboratory & Ibn Tofail Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v5-i12-37

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Mapping is a technique that helps students organize their knowledge about a topic or idea. This term, also known as heuristic diagram, cognitive map, the English psychologist Tony Buzan or Anthony Peter Buzan developed concept map or «mindmapping», during the 1970’s.
This technique allows for a freer, non-linear organization of information, and is often suitable for students with a visual approach to data. It is also very useful for students with learning disabilities. In this subject, we distinguish two major concepts: “mind mapping” and “mind map”.
In this work, we present a theoretical outline on the "mind mapping", the "mind map" and the difference between these two concepts, and then we are interested in the elements that can influence understanding, meaning and learning as well as the different mind map applications.
In the end, at the practical part, which concerned a sample of 38 students from the first year of the Scientific Baccalaureate, we concluded in this research, that the visual convivial structuring aspects of mind maps help struggling students who have difficulty concentrating in class and understanding information presented in large blocks of text. However, in general, the mind map is a relevant tool for all students, since it allows them to very easily create review sheets.


mind map, learning, mind mapping, mind map.


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Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2022

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