1Nguyen Zen Nguyen, 2Thi Huu Ai Nguyen, 3Thi Huong Phung, 4Thi Ngoc Quynh Nguyen
1,2Insurance Department, University of Labour and Social Affairs
3University of Labour and Social Affairs
4 D18BH01, Insurance Department, University of Labour and Social Affairs
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i1-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
The article provides the concepts of motivation, work motivation, insurance agent. Work motivation is not a new topic, which has been studied by many authors. However, the research team found a gap through studying the impact of sample characteristics on work motivation. The test results on qualitative survey data have shown that the importance of control variables such as gender, education level or working seniority has an influence on the independent variable that is the work motivation of university employees. Life insurance manager at Bao Viet Life Vietnam Corporation. Through the results of the analysis of survey data, the research team also proposes some recommendations to increase labor motivation such as: Create a reciprocal and supportive working environment or The remuneration regime needs to be closely associated with the employees. working seniority to increase labor motivation for insurance agent employees.
KEYWORDS:Accreditation, Working motivation, Insurance agent, Vietnam
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