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Relationship between Detection of Preeclampsia High-Risk by Pregnant Women and Health Workers with the Success of the Preeclampsia Eradication Program at the Nogosari Health Center
1Triani Yuliastanti,2Nurohimah Nurohimah,3Sri Handayani,4Novita Nurhidayati,5Lia Aria Ratmawati
1,2,3,4STIKes Estu Utomo, Central Java, Indonesia
5Politeknik Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-05

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The background of Preeclampsia Eradication Program is a program that seeks to accelerate the reduction in the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnancy, delivery and postpartum as well as comprehensive management of preeclampsia events, so that it is expected to reduce the number of maternal mortality rates (MMR). In Boyolali, Indonesia, the number of MMR in 2020 was 17 cases, where one of the causes of death was preeclampsia. Efforts are being made by the government to reduce MMR and infant mortality due to preeclampsia in pregnancy with the preeclampsia eradication program which began in 2018. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between detection of preeclampsia high-risk by pregnant women and health workers with increasing the success of the Eradication Program at the Nogosari Health Center. Research design Quantitative research that uses correlation analysis by using the approach retrospective. The results of data analysis using chi-square obtained results of detection of preeclampsia high-risk by pregnant women obtained the value of p-value 0.00 while for FIGO screening by health workers obtained a value of p-values 0.00. The results of the study showed that the variable detection of preeclampsia by pregnant women, FIGO screening by health workers had a significant relationship with the success of the preeclampsia eradication program with p value = 0.000, p = 0.000. where most of the respondents had poor knowledge as many as 40 respondents (66.7%), while for FIGO screening by health workers the score was obtained p-value 0.00 < 0.05 where most of the respondents, namely 41 respondents (68.3%) received incomplete FIGO screening.


Pregnancy, Preeclampsia, Preeclampsia Eradication Program


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