1Orfel L. Bejarin, 2Arnel C. Fajardo
1College of Engineering Architecture and Technology, Isabela State University, City of Ilagan Isabela, Philippines.
2College of Computing Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Isabela State University, Cauayan City, Isabela, Philippines, 3305
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
Rough rice's moisture content should be measured in order to ensure its quality, preservation, and proper handling all through storage and processing. When assessing and monitoring the quality of agricultural products, such as rough rice, moisture content is an important consideration. For measuring the moisture content of various agricultural products, infrared thermography (IRT) is a quick and easy non-destructive technique that has shown effectiveness. Traditional methods for determining moisture content require a long time and require sample destruction. Images of the sample were captured with a FLIR ONE thermal camera. The average value of the pixels in the thermal image was applied to create a thermal index that represented each sample. This study aims to investigate the feasibility and accuracy of IRT as a method for analysing the moisture content of rough rice. The results of the study showed that 87.30% accuracy when measuring moisture content was achieved with infrared thermography. Based to the results, rough rice's moisture content may be accurately identified through infrared thermography evaluation using wavelengths analysis. The use of non-contact, non- destructive methods to measure the moisture content of rough rice can be highly beneficial to farmers, rice millers, and other relevant governmental organizations. The results demonstrate the potential of infrared thermography as a rapid and non-destructive tool for moisture content evaluation in rough rice, offering significant advantages in terms of time efficiency and sample preservation.
KEYWORDS:Infrared Thermography, Moisture Content, Image Processing, Rough Rice, FLIR Thermal Studio, Matlab, non destructive evaluation, quality control.
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