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Effect of Massed Practice and Distributed Practice Methods on the Accuracy of Backhand Short Service and Forehand Short Service in Badminton Games for the Students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta
1Sayefuddin, 2Dr. Suhadi, M.Pd
1,2Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v6-i8-61

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This research aims to determine: (1) the effect of the massed practice and distributed practice methods on the accuracy of backhand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, (2) the effect of the massed practice and distributed practice methods on the accuracy of forehand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, (3) which method has a more significant effect whether the massed practice and distributed practice training methods on the accuracy of backhand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, (4) which method has a more significant effect whether the massed practice and distributed practice training methods on the accuracy of forehand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School. The research method was an experimental method with a one group design, pretest-posttest design. The research population was 33 students of Victory Badminton School in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used the purposive sampling. While the number of research samples were 20 adolescent students aged 13-15 years old. Collecting the data was conducted with the short service tests in badminton games. The data analysis with 2x2 analysis of variance. Based on the results of processing and analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the method, massed practice and distributed practice have a significant effect on the accuracy of the backhand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, with a calculation of t count at 3.36 and t table at 2.10. (2) the massed practice and distributed practice training methods have a significant effect on the accuracy of the backhand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta with a t count at 2.84 and t table at 2.10. (3) The massed practice training method has a more significant effect than the distributed practice training method on the accuracy of backhand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, with the calculation results (15.84 > 12.60). (4) The massed practice training method has a more significant effect than the distributed practice training method on the accuracy of forehand short service in the badminton game of the students of Victory Badminton School Yogyakarta, with the calculation results (12.84 > 12.60).


Massed Practice Training Method, Distribution, Backhand Accuracy Results, Forehand Service in Game of Badminton.

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