1Elsadirra Ayu Melya, 2Christina Fajar Sriwahyuniati, 3Endang Rini Sukamti
1,2,3Department of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i11-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Currently burnout is a crucial problem in the world of athletes, because it often hampers the performance rate of athletes who ultimately harm themselves and the surrounding environment. The purpose of the study was to influence achievement motivation on burnout in swimming athletes in Sleman Regency. This research is quantitative, with an ex post facto design. The subjects were swimming athletes totaling 75 athletes. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The analysis technique used regression with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21 software. The results show that there is a significant effect of achievement motivation on burnout in swimming athletes in Sleman Regency, with a calculated t value of -4.080> t table 1.666, p-value 0.0000.05. Negative value, meaning that if achievement motivation is higher, burnout will be lower. The contribution of achievement motivation variables to burnout of swimming athletes in Sleman Regency is 18.60%, while the remaining 81.40% is influenced by other factors outside this study. For future researchers to be able to reveal other variables that can affect burnout in swimming athletes, because our report found only 18.60%.
KEYWORDS:self achievement motivation, burnout, swimming athletes
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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
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